Resitting exams

Resit exams are held in Manchester during August, usually three to four weeks before the beginning of the new semester. Use the information and support available to you on this site to get the best result.

Guidance on reassessment away from Manchester

1.      Re-sit examinations are held in Manchester, typically three or four weeks before the next session starts. This can mean extra costs for accommodation and travel, and loss of income if students have to curtail vacation employment. We appreciate that you may want to re-sit examinations abroad/ near to your home and although such a request appears reasonable, our experience shows that arrangements overseas or outside the University may not be sufficiently reliable.

2.      Students may be able to suggest locations where examinations can be sat in sufficiently secure conditions, but problems with invigilation, differences of time zones and safe return of scripts are very difficult to resolve, and are not sufficiently offset by charging the student a higher fee to cover the extra costs.

3.     Therefore the University does not allow re-sit examinations to be held away from Manchester.

4.    This policy does not apply to collaborative programmes, where re-sit examinations are normally held at the partner institution, or to recognized exchange programmes, where, in some circumstances, arrangements may be approved for international or home students to re-sit examinations at the partner institution.