Timed Blackboard exams will usually be available for at least 24 hours. Your exam time starts when you click 'Begin' and once you start there is a fixed period of time to complete the exam. You must do it in one sitting - you cannot pause, or leave and re-enter later.
Throughout the exam, the remaining time appears on a status bar. Timer warnings appear when half the time, 5 minutes, 1 minute, and 30 seconds remain. If you prefer, you can minimise the timer.
If the questions appear one at a time, you need to click 'submit' before moving on to the next question. If you move on without clicking submit your answer will be automatically saved (even if you haven’t chosen an answer). You may be able to go back and review your answers, and make changes, before completing the exam.
Do not close the text window before you’ve finished, as your exam will be automatically submitted even if you haven’t answered all the questions. The guidance provided by your programme team should include details of when the exam will be available and how long you have to complete it.
Some exams will allow you to continue after the timer has ended, while others will automatically submit your exam when the time is up - this is set in advance by your instructor. The guidance provided before your exam should tell you whether you can continue after the timer ends.
If you are allowed to continue after the timer ends (for example, to allow for any technical difficulties), note that any submissions made after the timer ends will be flagged as late and you will need to provide evidence of the reason for that lateness.
If you are not allowed to continue after the timer ends, your exam will automatically submit when the time is up - even if you haven’t answered all the questions. In this case you should make sure to allow yourself time towards the end to review and submit your answers.
If you experience technical difficulties during the exam and Blackboard allows you continue beyond the time limit, you must choose 'Cancel' when you see the message "The time has expired. Press OK to save and submit. Click Cancel to continue the test." If your exam is affected by technical difficulties, evidence will be required if you decide to make a mitigating circumstances request.
If you are registered with the University's Disability Advisory and Support Service and have exam adjustments, any extra time will be added to your Blackboard timer automatically. This extra time will apply to the time period of the exam, but not the availability window. For example, in a 2 hour exam available for 24 hours:
If you haven't been given extra time when you believe you should have, please contact your programme team as soon as possible.